Ethnic Tuareg Tribe Design Ring Silver dome Ebony Lines 007

Ethnic Ring Sterling Silver Jewelry Cone Ebony Lines Tuareg Tribe Design
Ethnic Ring Sterling Silver Jewelry Cone Ebony Lines Tuareg Tribe Design b
Ethnic Ring Sterling Silver Jewelry Cone Ebony Lines Tuareg Tribe Design c

Ethnic Tuareg Tribe Design Ring Silver dome Ebony Lines 007

Classified in : RINGS

49,00 € HT 24,50 € 49,00 € HT 24,50 € HT


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Delivery planned on 22/01/2025
From traditional Niger crafts, these jewels with their modern design will fit perfectly with a modern style.

Materials: Silver and Ebony
Dimensions: Diameter 0,98 inches
Origin: Craftsman from Niger


Customers' opinion

1 Customer reviews | Average grade :

5/5 , based on 1 view
par Anne, le 16/06/2010

Bonjour. Colis arrivé rapidement. Ravie de vos prestations. Je vous conseillerai à mes proches. A bientôt pour une prochaine commande. Merci

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