Ethnic Jewelry Tuareg African Thin Necklace Bronze Mauritania 01

Ethnic Jewelry Tuareg African Thin Necklace Bronze Mauritania 01

Ethnic Jewelry Tuareg African Thin Necklace Bronze Mauritania 01

Classified in :

One Size
27,00 € HT 18,90 € 27,00 € HT 18,90 € HT


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Delivery planned on 27/12/2024

From traditional Mauritanian crafts, these jewels with their modern design will fit perfectly with a modern style.

Materials:  Bronze
Height: Height 0,07 inches
Origin: Craftsman from Mauritania 


Customers' opinion

1 Customer reviews | Average grade :

5/5 , based on 1 view
par Anais, le 14/12/2015

5/5. Tout était très bien !!!

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